Anastassia R.

molecular biology / gene technology specialist

Searching for a position in Europe - Product Specialist · Postdoctoral Scientist · Scientific Researcher · Biotechnology Laboratory Associate · Project Manager

Последнее обновление резюме 18.05.2023
Адрес Tartu, Estonia
Электронная почта Заблокировано

В чем вы сильны?

Main research fields:

1) Cancer research (detection of minor mutations/variants with Real-Time PCR and NGS from cfDNA and tissue samples, expression analysis from tissue samples including formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded)

2) Fertility and prenatal diagnostics (detection of minor variants with Real-Time PCR and NGS from cfDNA samples)

3) Product development in Real-Time PCR (composing of mixes, optimization, quality control, preparation of protocols, technical documentation and presentation materials) and NGS (development and application of library enrichment panels and protocol optimization).

4) STI (detection and identification of STI agents using Real-Time PCR and DNA microarrays, developing new recombinant protein antigens for antibodies’ detection from blood serum in immunoassays like ELISA  and protein microarrays, bacteria genotyping).

Расскажите о себе что-нибудь еще: публикации, конференции, хобби

Key publications

Runina, A. V., Katunin, G. L., Filippova, M. A., Zatevalov, A. M., Kubanov, A. A., & Deryabin, D. G. (2018). Immunochip for syphilis serodiagnostics with the use of extended array of Treponema pallidum recombinant antigens. Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 165, 767-771.

Kubanov, A. A., Runina, A. V., Chestkov, A. V., Kudryavtseva, A. V., Pekov, Y. A., Korvigo, I. O., Deryabin, D. G. (2018). Whole-genome sequencing of Russian Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates related to ST 1407 genogroup. Acta Naturae, 10(3 (38)), 68-76.

Kubanov, A., Runina, A., & Deryabin, D. (2017). Novel Treponema pallidum recombinant antigens for syphilis diagnostics: current status and future prospects. BioMed research international, 2017., ID 1436080.

Shaskolskiy, B., Dementieva, E., Leinsoo, A., Runina, A., Vorobyev, D., Plakhova, X., Kubanov, A., Deryabin, D., Gryadunov, D. (2016). Drug resistance mechanisms in bacteria causing sexually transmitted diseases and associated with vaginosis. Frontiers in microbiology, 7, 747.

Khairullin, R. F., Rotanov, S. V., Frigo, N. V., & Belousova, A. V. (2012). Bioinformatic analysis of T. pallidum specific antigens. Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii, 88(5), 56-64. (in Russian)

Lend, A. K., Belousova, A., Haller-Kikkatalo, K., Punab, M., Poolamets, O., Peters, M., Salumets, A. (2010). Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor gene haplotypes and male infertility in estonian population and meta-analysis. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 56(1), 84-90.

Värv, S., Belousova, A., Sild, E., Viinalass, H. (2009). Genetic diversity in milk proteins among Estonian dairy cattle. Veterinarija ir zootechnika, 48(70).

Saare, M., Belousova, A., Punab, M., Peters, M., Haller, K., Ausmees, K., ... & Salumets, A. (2008). Androgen receptor gene haplotype is associated with male infertility. International journal of andrology, 31(4), 395-402.

Ehrenberg, A., Runina, A., Metspalu, A., Salumets, A., Karro, H., Peters, M., Kuningas, M., Altmäe, S., Kahre, T. (2005). Non-invasive diagnostics of fetal rhesus D status – new opportunities of prenatal diagnostics in Estonia. Eesti Arst, 2005; 84 (12): 853–856 (in Estonian).